Friday, February 18, 2011


While reading my friend Mark Pilkington’s excellent book “Mirage Men”, I came across a paragraph in which he relates a short quote of Karla Turner, a “UFO abductee” and author of “Into the Fringe” – she also wrote “Taken”. Mark refers to her mention of floating silver spheres – UFOS – which she sees, but which to her are “repositories… where human souls are somehow recycled.” She further believed that inside the spheres, these souls were implanted into women’s wombs, a procedure that she described as both surgical and spiritual.

Most UFO abduction writers take most things extremely literally, which is how we have come to the point where extra-terrestrial – apparently malevolent – creatures are abducting human beings and engineering our DNA. But Turner goes beyond that and suggests that the aliens even interfere with our souls?

The same trend is apparent in Whitley Strieber’s relatively recent novel “2012”, subtitled “The War for Souls”. Strieber has mixed his horror-writing expertise with autobiographical accounts of his own anomalous, in his interpretation, extra-terrestrial abduction encounters and argues that “the war” the aliens are fighting is to harvest our souls – in some Luciferian apocalyptic plot.

I don’t want to spend too much space pointing out that abductions to other realms didn’t begin with the arrival of the UFO phenomenon – it is well-documented in fairy lore and other cultures and goes back hundreds if not thousands of years.

What I do want to spend time on, is the notion that we might be an “alien” soul in a human body. All of us. Not just “some” of us. It is something that was expressed for thousands of years and was written down in the Corpus Hermeticum. Seeing the Corpus was a synopsis of the Ancient Egyptian religion, it can be argued that this is also what the Ancient Egyptians believed and knew: that we had a body, but that our soul was somehow “alien” – from elsewhere. Today, we might indeed call it alien, or extra-terrestrial, but I prefer to call it stardust. Part of the Divine Spark.

In the Corpus, it is said that a human being has several levels of intellectual and spiritual existence, somewhat on par with the three levels of the brain that science has uncovered. The Hermeticists believe(d) that a human body had an intelligence of its own, but that this began a co-operation with a spirit that somehow came from elsewhere and entered it around the moment of birth. The end result is you, and me, and all of us.

As bizarre as this may sound, Michael Newton’s “Journey of Souls”, which describes case studies of people that he has hypnotised so that these people can describe the life between lives. The book is very much in agreement with the Hermetic assessment of how souls enter our body. The soul speaks of utilizing the body and that they don’t control the human mind as such, but try to elevate it.

Newton has reached these insights practically, through hypnotising people and analysing their stories. Indeed, in the West, we often think that religion was somehow either divinely inspired by the likes of Jesus or Mohammed or fabricated by the Church, but there is also the practical exploration of the mind, and from those observations, the creation of a framework. Thus, it is entirely possible that in our distant past, people experimented with the mind, reached the same conclusion as Newton, and wrote it down.

So where does this leave Karla Turner? Her observations might be totally correct, but her interpretation of these things being a purely extra-terrestrial affair, might be too small of a framework. But in the final analysis, we might indeed be alien minds occupying human bodies, and we don’t even know it ourselves.

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